Cable Hang-Off System

The Vos Prodect Cable Hang-Off System is an efficient solution for securing medium and high voltage power cables to the top of a foundation or cable deck on monopiles, jackets or rigs. This system ensures reliable and secure cable management in offshore environments.

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Benefits of Using Vos Prodect Hang-Off System

The Vos Prodect Hang-Off System minimises installation time, with temporary hang-off clamps typically taking about 30-45 minutes to install. Even inexperienced users, after attending our training days, can install the temporary clamps in under an hour.

Cable Hang-Off Key Features

Vos Prodect, your preferred partner in the engineering and suply of Cable Hang-Off Systems and other offshore solutions for manufacturers and installers.

Resin free environmental seal

Vos Prodect has developed a Resin-Free Environmental Seal for our Cable Hang-Off System. This eco-friendly solution offers an IP 44 Norm compliant seal without using traditional resin, making it a sustainable choice for cable sealing offshore.

Hang-Off System Vos Prodect

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